Monday, January 25, 2010


Our sermon series at Westmont for the past few, and next few weeks is titled, "IF..."

I believe that the word, "if," is the most powerful two-letter word in the English language. "If," can be empowering or paralyzing, positive or negative, regretful or hopeful. Consider:

"If I say only nice things to my wife today..."

"If I could get a job I don't hate..."

"If I hadn't yelled at the kids..."

"If I take a risk..."

"If only I hadn't done that..."

"If she would say sorry..."


We're constantly dealing with if's. The beauty of the, "if's," of life is if we can recognize the questions over which we have control to make our lives and the lives around us more beautiful.

"If I'll just follow Jesus more closely each day, what a life I would lead..."

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