Thursday, August 25, 2011


When you've said all you have to say. Seen all you thought you needed to see. Heard all you needed to hear. I call it, "Sometimes," time.

Because, sometimes you have something more to say, the better two choices are, "I love you," and, "I'm sorry." But you still have somebody who wants to hear from you. They love the sound of your voice, and what you might have to offer. They even might need your wisdom, and contrary to popular opinion, wisdom's the greatest gift, just ask ol' King Solomon.

Sometimes, we haven't seen the best yet. I figure there's bigger and better things to see since my baby girl already sang at the Meyerson Symphony Center, and my little man already played football at Cowboys Stadium. I think they'll see big things, and I hope to see them with them. Sometimes we wish we could go back and make things different about what we saw. We can't. We just have to see what's in front of us, and look up and thank The One who let's us see.

Sometimes, we haven't been all the places we need to go. Not like on a to-do list, but like on a, "TO GO!," list. The places we need to go aren't the fanciest cities in the biggest places. Sometimes the, "to go," places are Waffle House with somebody you don't particularly want to talk to, but, you're all they got. Sometimes the to go line is at the store with somebody who needs you to buy them a loaf of bread and not lecture them. Sometimes, all the time, there's somewhere to go. It's not the buildings, or the mountains, or the seas, that make them places to go. It's the people, they're the best.

I think there's a reason Jesus always said, "let him who has ears to hear." I'd translate it this way, "just listen you hard-headed thing you Clint." We need to listen to the loud, quiet, and in-between voices that continue to shape us on the anvil of life. The Master is not finished with us until he put's us up. That banging sound is Him, hammering us into shape, knocking off our rough edges, and polishing us up.
