Monday, May 24, 2010

Connor and Lola

I called my wife this afternoon as has become my habit to see how the day had been for her and the kids. When she answered I could tell the afternoon had not been kind. The tone of her voice indicated something was wrong but she said things were fine, I knew differently. As her voice cracked she said, "I told Connor today that we can't take Lola with us when we move." We're leasing a house and Lola is a nightmare of a one year old puppy full of love, energy and destructive ability. According to the lease we couldn't take her with us regardless, so we're finding her a good home before we go.

"Great timing Dad," I thought as I heard Connor crying in the background. In a ten-year-old's mind being separated from every friend he's ever known was bad enough but to leave his Black Lab behind was the icing on the cake of one tough day. I asked to speak to him, but he didn't want to talk. I understand, sometimes I don't want to talk either, and in his mind I was the reason Lola was staying in Lubbock as he moved to a strange new place. Chrissy put on the speaker phone and I said to him, "Bud, I know this is a tough time for you, and you can be angry with me if you want, that's understandable. But know that I love you and I always will, and hopefully someday you'll understand that we did the right thing. If I were there I would give you a big hug."

Connor said, "I wouldn't let you!"

Lessons come at us daily and fast paced. As I thought about Connor and the move he's looking at in the future, and the man (me) he feels is, "causing," it, I realize that I too know that I look to my Father in Heaven and know he loves me even when I'm scared or angry. But I know that God in His infinite love had his Son stretch open his arms and in so doing He wrapped his love around me.

My son doesn't know it, but his Dad's heart was aching for a boy named Connor saying goodbye to who is loved and familiar, to move without choice to a new place. But when we look back we'll know that faithfulness is the best option.

By the way, Connor did ask his Mom to call his Grandparents to see if he could live with them.


  1. Hey, where is the dog going?

  2. We are looking for a good home for Lola right now and we'll make sure she's well loved and taken care of. Do you have a place for a one year old black Lab mix?
