Tuesday, May 4, 2010


I'll bet when you were a child someone asked you, "What would you like to be when you grow up?" I know I've spoken to my children about what paths they will take on the road to adulthood, or as often said, when they're grown up.

I looked out at the congregation at both services on Sunday morning and saw a lot of people with varying degrees of experience, age, education, income, and more. However, I didn't see one single grown up. Not one.

The title,"grown-up," seems to indicate a finality that doesn't exist. It tends to say that someone is finished growing. As we walk with our Lord, we must continue to grow until the day that we get to finish the race that is life.

I think of my children coming home from school exhausted from the day of learning reading, writing, and arithmetic but wanting to play with their friends. We need those times of play and rest, but still school shows up the next day with more to learn. So let's make sure that even if we spend times in play to refresh our souls, we acknowledge our need to keep going to school to be filled with God's Spirit.

Someday, God will call out to us, just as my wife calls our kids, to come home. Until that time let's grow and play as hard as we can because night comes sooner than we imagine. Then however, we get to sit at His table for a banquet we can't imagine.

You're not a grown up yet...you're only growing up, until you take the seat at that table.

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