Thursday, July 15, 2010

Mulligans and Do-Overs

I preach a lot about the opportunity for moving forward in the shadow of a past mistake. Sometimes, I don't listen to my own preaching. I've been told by a few people that I use sports euphemisms too often but here goes:

When you throw an interception, don't hang your head. Go back out on the field with sharper vision.

When you serve up a homerun, don't cry. Get back to the mound and throw your best stuff.

When you shoot an air-ball, don't shy away from the ball. Seek the pass and look for nothing but net.

When you strike-out, don't throw your helmet. Be calm and know you'll have another at bat.

When you miss a block, grit your teeth and slam it harder.

When you roll a gutter ball, well, you're bowling so you were probably drunk. Aim at the middle of the thirty pens.

When you hit it in the rough, figure it out.

When you miss a putt. Study it harder next time.

Never forget, curling and NASCAR, are truly sports.

Inspire your team. Be you, but, be the best you. Don't let the outside voices become the inside torture. I'm preaching, but I'm listening.

"We don't carry an 'S' on our chest. We just wear a star on our helmet and try to do the best job we can."
-Dallas Cowboys running back Emmit Smith, after rushing for just 69 yards in a season-opening 37-7 WIN over Pittsburgh, 1997.

And oh, I almost forgot. If you score a triple-bogey at Putt-Putt. Quit. Take your colored ball and freaky putter back to the counter and try to beat someone at Galaga or Pac-Man.

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