Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Power

The American author Edgar Allan Poe once wrote:
"Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality."

So true.

As Christians we should affirm that the word of God is found in scripture, and if you peer deeply into the text, beyond the print, there is an exquisite horror of realistic proportions. We like to think that the Bible is filled with inspiring stories and advice on living life. The Bible is, but, the Bible has so much more to teach us about living our lives deeply, richly, and fully. Look at Adam making excuses to God's face when he disobeyed a singular command. When you consider the facts surrounding Abraham and Sarah's lives, you realize the humanity involved. Moses conversing with the burning bush. When you read the writings of the prophets, you see the anger of men of God with a calling. Jesus' sermon on the mount is filled with the horror of realism, turning the other cheek is an example.

So the word of God, pointing us to The Word, Jesus is filled with amazing truths, filled with terror when the believer grasps them, and takes them to heart. In the Lenten season may we seek more closely how we can take the words, "Thy will be done on earth as in heaven," into our hearts.


  1. I think the unbelievers should be the ones filled with terror...not the believers. As a believer I am eternally grateful that God sees me through the blood of Jesus and I'm washed clean and set free and can boldly go to the throne room of grace. It's in that peace that I chose to live.

  2. True, we have assurance of The One who has gone before us. However, our Lord prayed to make another way. His humanity combined with His Deity leads us to understand our our fear. We have eternal assurance, yet, we still step into the next step with a bit of apprehension due to our fallibility. Yet, we know that He walks with us even when He say's, "Why would you do that?"
