Friday, February 5, 2010


Did you ever notice that God spoke the creation into being? Words are important. Have you ever thought that the best feelings and worst feelings you ever experienced were because of words? Words are important. Have you wondered what someone was saying about you to someone else? Words are important. Was there ever a time when you wished you could take words back with the knowledge that you couldn't? Words are important.

Words allow us to say things like, "Thank you." The spoken or written word also allows us the amazing blessing of making an ass of ourselves by saying, "I hate you," or, well, you can fill in your own thoughts.

I'm a user of words. I'm also an abuser of words. There's no group of which I know that meets to say, "Hello, I'm Clint, and I'm a Word Abuser."

"Hi, Clint!"

God spoke. We were spoken into existence. We heard speech to help us to learn to communicate. We speak.

Sticks and stones is a bunch of boloney, bologna, or whatever type of crappy meat you want to call it. The tongue is an amazing thing.

The tongue can say, "Here am I send me."

The tongue can also say, ".......

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