Monday, March 15, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

I took the kids to feed the ducks and geese at the park just a couple of blocks from our home feeling like one of those dads who does duck feeding duty swelling with pride at my "daddyness". I'm taking the kids to the park, again! Look at me! Little did I know.

We got out of the truck with our, "duck bread," to feed the masses. While we were walking I pictured a scene from the movie, "Dawn of the Dead." The ducks and geese were marching with quacks and honks that seemed menacing at best, frightening truly. I made a quick estimate and numbered the approaching waterfowl in the millions, and hungry.

"Get behind me kids!" I yelled as we approached with a brown paper bag filled with treasure.

"INCOMING!" We were in the midst of an assault of aviary proportions.

Then it happened. For the first time I saw my son, at the time four-years old wrestling with a goose much bigger than him, and he was winning. I've never seen such a sight. When the goose bit Connor's overalls, he decided that it was ON! Grabbing the gooses neck started a dance I've never seen. I ran toward him as he struggled with the bully bird.

Caitlin said, "Dad, be careful!" She's too sweet to fight with anything. Certainly never a goose. She was anxiously watching for police to arrive while standing by my truck, praying for the Stephenson men as ladies have done for centuries.

On the way to help I saw him take care of business. With both hands wrapped around the goose's neck, Connor bit the goose back! I'm not kidding or embellishing. My son bit that furious feathered being back! Wings and webbed feet flying, the two parted ways. I almost think I heard, "AFLAC!" as the goose escaped. I hope that the Stephenson family isn't the originator of the bird flu, but who cares. Swine are the offenders these days with their own pork flu.

You know sometimes people say, "you have to take the bull by the horns."

That's a great sentiment. Tried it. Didn't work out well. It was fun, yet still one of my many bad ideas. But, have you ever even tried to, "take a goose by the neck?" If not, Connor can tell you how to tame the situation.

Bite it!

When reality bites you, you have only one choice. Grab life with both hands, and bite back!

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