Wednesday, March 17, 2010


God is guilty. He made us. He can't deny it. His fingerprints are all over us.
God wouldn't deny our creation, nor our existence. I just sometimes wonder in His infinite wisdom why He did it? Didn't He know I was going to steal the Ronald McDonald statue on 50th Street? Didn't He know that, "John," would shoot his cousin over a game of dominoes? Didn't He know that, "Sarah," would hook up with a loser and make meth in her college apartment? Surely he knew that, "Idiot," would get in his car and drive the wrong way on the highway? Come on.

God is guilty of one thing. Creating us with the free will to make choices. He made us. He won't deny us. His fingerprints are all over us. He forgives us for the choices, when we accept His forgiveness.

Now comes our part in this conspiracy. We are to infiltrate all areas of this world. We are to make known the truth that is, "Jesus is Lord!" Those who believe that Jesus is the Christ the Son of the living God, and the one and only Savior, have a job to do today. So do it.

For those who'll be upset by this. Too bad. God is perfect in all ways, He chose to make each of us so that we're able to choose to love Him or not. Truly, God's not guilty of anything at all, except for the deepest love that can't be conceived. What do you want to bet that God's big enough to read this post and not be bothered by it.

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