Thursday, March 4, 2010

Your Friends

Sometimes I don't think we get to choose our friends. Especially our best friends.

Sometimes God puts people in the way, they adopt us, we adapt, and life adjusts. Tux is one of those pains in the neck that becomes a best friend. Alright, I know, Tux isn't a person, but he has a lot of personality.

Tux is a black and white cat, how could we choose the name huh? He is hilarious. He leaps at television screens, knocks over everything knockoverable. He eats laying down with one, "hand," in the food bowl. He wants to love and whip everyone! I get it.

I didn't choose Tux, my family chose him. Then, he chose me.

He puts his stupid white hand on my face when I'm sleeping. He, "talks," when I want to eat cereal and read the newspaper. He, "hides," in my briefcase and tears up the blinds on the windows.

I'm not a cat guy. But, Tux chose me. I love him. He came to us as a skinny, scared, stupid rescue can't . Now he's a kick-butt, fat, vocal, rescued cat that is ours. He is ours, we are his. I wish he wouldn't swipe his hands at the score updates on ESPN, but he does. We're family.

Kind of like a church family huh? And God says, "You're MINE."

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