Tuesday, March 23, 2010

'Tis Better to Give And Receive

We've all heard the phrase, "It is better to give than to receive." As a child I thought that was the dumbest phrase I had ever heard. Honestly, opening a wrapped package was better than watching my Grandmother open her gift in my opinion.

As I grew, although I fear I'll never quite be a, "grown-up," thank God, I came to understand the sentiment of the phrase more and more. I will admit that I love to watch my children and wife receive gifts from me more than anything I could receive from them. Their smiles, excitement, and joy warms my heart and soul more than anything I could receive as their gift to me. In that case, it is truly better to give than to receive.

However, there is one gift that is better to give and receive. Love.

I can't think of a deeper feeling that I have within the core of my being than true love for another. That feeling is one of the past, present, and future. The true love of another gives us hope and makes us hurt. True love can at times be as warm as a quilt over your lap, and bone-chilling as a freezing wind.

Good and bad. Love is truly better to give, and who doesn't want to receive it?

"I love you honey," is a phrase that I say, and sometimes when I hear it I'm shaken back to the reality of what love is and what love does.

"Dad," is a title fraught with love and responsibility.

So thank you to the ones who taught me what love is all about. Mostly, my Mom and Dad, who first loved me before I could comprehend what love is all about. Who showed me what it is to love one another in good times and not so good times. You showed me in the flesh what God is all about.

I love to love, in good times and bad. And, I always hope and pray to receive it back. What a gift!

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