Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Team

I've always loved being part of a team. As a player, coach, fan, parent, you name it. I will admit I enjoyed coaching my kids more than playing, as they're both better players than I ever was, and I didn't have to run as much either.

I love being part of a team because as I told our congregation today we learn so many lessons from being part of a team. I've always known that being part of a team makes you a better person than you can be alone. Don't believe me? Have you ever tried to stop a touchdown alone against a team of 11? Ever try to pitch, catch, and field the baseball by yourself? Have you once attempted a victory against the Knicks without help? Professionals don't try it alone, why should we mere mortals?

I know there are many descriptions for the church: body, family, bride. I prefer my description. The church is a team.

A team teaches you that you can't do it all by yourself. A team teaches you that you have a position that's important. A team teaches you that you're part of something bigger than yourself. A team teaches you that you can accomplish more with others than you can alone.

If you're part of a team you don't get to sit in the stands. You're vital to the success of the team. It doesn't matter if you're a quarterback, offensive lineman, pitcher, catcher, forward, or post. You're needed. You have a job to do and you better get it done. If you don't work at your position, you hurt your team.

If you're part of a team you learn that sometimes you make an error, fumble, or fall. A teammate will pick you up. A teammate will help you when you're hurt. A teammate will bring a drink of water and help restore your strength. A teammate will pat you on the back and say, "shake it off."

If you're part of a team you have a jersey with the team name on the front. The jersey is a reminder of what the team represents. The jersey represents much more than self. The jersey is an honor.

The beauty of being part of the team that is the Kingdom of God is that there isn't a try-out, just an invitation. The wonderful part of the team that is God's church is that once you accept Christ's grace and join the team you can't be cut. And the only way to be benched on this team is if you take a seat yourself and miss out on what is an awesome race that is life.

So as I told the boys I coached last season for Connor's football team, if at the end of the practice, scrimmage, or game, you find that your uniform is clean, you didn't do your job. You should finish each one dirty, tired, and sore.

The same is true for the Christian. Get dirty with the business of serving, loving, worshiping, learning, and caring. Sometimes we get tired, but God will give us strength. And sometimes loving deeply hurts, but, without the occasional hurt the love isn't real.

More importantly look at your jersey. It is the robe that God created for us that is the blood of Christ. If you're on the team, and you're on the bench or in the grandstands, you're in the wrong place. Get your tail on the field and play your position the best you can.

If you're not on the team, all you need to do is pick up your jersey.

Most importantly, listen to the Coach. Our Coach is the Christ, and He'll never call the wrong play.


  1. Not that God needs a Pep Rally, but that is a heck of a speech! Well done.

  2. Ryan, thank you for the kind words. I hope to have God's team go out after half-time and whip 'em.
