Monday, April 12, 2010

If I was able.

I would make a new world and fix it, except I can't even fix a sink or a car.

I would want too many people to get along, share popcorn, and smile at each other.

I would try to make a movie that would make us all laugh out loud... All of us, not just the men.

I would make sure babies didn't get sick. I wouldn't bury another child, regardless of the age while looking at the swollen eyes of a mother or father.

I would find the ones who like to hurt other people with words, actions, or bullets and kill 'em. Wait a minute...that doesn't work.

I would decree exercise a sin, and me being fattish a non-truth.

I would make breakfast a daily omelette filled with bacon, lunch out of chocolate, and supper filled with steak, thus violating the previous statement.

I would ensure no one ever was thirsty, nor hungry.

I would make a machine that let us go back and love those with a love we needed to speak and show. Ask forgiveness. And fix what needed fixing.

I'm not God. He is. Always has always been. He loves us, forgives us, fixes our needs. I have to quit wishing I could be Him. I would have the earth spinning backward.

Wait...would that be cool? NO! We'd all get sick.

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