Thursday, April 22, 2010


Now that I find myself in a new city I have to find out the important things. Where do I get a haircut? Is there a dry-cleaner close to the church to clean my clothes? Who will change the oil in my truck if there's no Bolton's Oil Change? Where do I get a good greasy cheap cheeseburger in paradise? I keep changing the channel on my television and I can't find Karen and Abner at 10 o'clock on any channel! (Only the folks from the sacred land that is Lubbock will understand that remark)

The question is simply, "Where am I?" It's a frightening experience to wonder where you are. Feeling lost is not pleasant. I have asked myself that question many times in the last month. Where am I? I think we all ask that question at one time or another. Possibly some ask that question on many occasions.

Last night I turned the AC in the hotel room down to a balmy 50 degrees and jumped in bed. When I woke the clock said, 3:01...I tried to sleep. I couldn't. I tossed, turned, turned on the TV, turned off the TV. Did you realize they sell food dehydration machines at 4 AM? Looked out the window, it was dark.

Finally I knelt beside my bed and prayed.

"Lord, I know you're awake. I don't want to sleep in this room again without my family. I'm afraid of the task ahead of me. I don't feel like I can do what I think I'm called to do. I don't know how to lead this new flock. Did I mention I miss Chrissy and the kids? I just need your help. Please."

As I opened my bible the next morning I read the words from Genesis 12, "And go to the land I will show you." I had preached on that passage a few weeks ago, and it still ticks me off.

God is good. He makes the way.

1 comment:

  1. Just to clarify for anyone that is a part of that new flock called Eastridge Park Christian Church. I am loving being part of such an awesome congregation. I can't wait for my family to make it there too. Chrissy and I are already loving being part of the EPCC family.
    I have no regrets. I just want to do a good job and quit getting lost along the way.
    Eastridge, y'all are amazing. Thank you.
